Server Rules

This is our official server rules. Please read! Ignorance does not protect against punishment.

  1. No Cheating
    Using hacks, mods, or cheats that give you an unfair advantage is strictly prohibited. Play fairly and enjoy the challenge.
  2. No Spamming
    Avoid spamming chat with repetitive messages or advertisements. Keep the chat clean and relevant.
  3. No Harassment
    Treat other players with respect. Do not engage in bullying, trolling, or any form of harassment.
  4. No Offensive Content
    Do not use inappropriate language, symbols, or content. Keep the community friendly and welcoming.
  5. Follow Server Admins
    Adhere to any additional rules or directives given by server administrators or moderators.
  6. Report Issues
    If you encounter any problems or see rule violations, report them to the server admins. Help us maintain a good environment for all players.

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